2898 Gold Coast Hwy, Surfers Paradise QLD 4217, Australia$ $1.98 million 百万 澳币-28.0139922153.42906319999997https://maarealty.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/1203624709-150x100.jpghttps://maarealty.com/zh-hans/?property=the-pinnacle-at-surfers-paradisehttps://maarealty.com/wp-content/themes/real-spaces/images/map-marker.png
(FOR SALE) Unit 74, The Pinnacle at Surfers Paradise
$$1.98 million 百万 澳币
ForSale 266 sqm 平方米Area 2.5Baths 2-3Beds 2Parking
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Casino Dr, Broadbeach QLD 4218, Australia
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Contact Seller
All the boxes are ticked at this rare and well loved, luxury residential tower that is The Pinnacle. If you are looking for a modern, beach side of Main River, residential complex look no further! It is ideally located midway between Isle of Capri, Surfers Paradise and Broadbeach. All this with miles of the best beaches on the planet a short walk away.
This stunning, spacious 29th level Sub Penthouse has it all:
- Sweeping 360 degree river and ocean views that will constantly delight and amaze you and your guests
- Comfortable and spacious 3 bedroom apartment with private lift access
- More than 100 square meter of balconies with a large shuttered alfresco entertainment area
- Two secure car spaces side by side plus private storage shed
- Sheltered, hi tech, main river marina berth.
- 5 Minute walk to the Light Rail Station
- Owners Club Lounge, 35 seat cinema, flood lit tennis court
- Heated pool, sunny Pool deck, spa, sauna & gym
Be quick and book your inspection today.
您对住家的要求都被这罕见,很受欢迎的豪华住宅塔The Pinnacle达成了。如果您正在寻找主河和海滩边的现代化住宅,恭喜!您找到了!它坐在理想地位于Capri岛,冲浪者天堂和Broadbeach之间的中间。所有这一切,距离地球上最好的海滩几英里远。
- 扫视360度的河流和海洋景观,会长年不断的带给您和您的客人欢乐和惊奇
- 设有私人电梯通道的舒适宽敞3卧室公寓
- 超过100平方米的阳台和设有大型百叶窗露天娱乐区
- 两个并排的安全车位,加私人储物棚
- 高科技并有防护的主滨码头
- 5分钟步行到轻轨站
- 业主俱乐部休息室,35座电影院,泛光灯网球场
- 加热泳池,阳光明媚的泳池甲板,水疗中心,桑拿室和健身房
Property Details
Property Address: 2898 Gold Coast Hwy, Surfers Paradise QLD 4217, Australia
Property City : Surfers Paradise
Property City : Surfers Paradise